Friday, January 2, 2009


A great video to start the year with.

This video is part of a British campaign to improve peoples health. The British are facing the same problems with chronic health problems that we are (obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes etc.). The spot above was made by the people who brought us Wallace and Gromit (if you have children you'll remeber "Curse of the Were-Rabbit").

I particularly like the message of the video "Eat Well, Move More, Live Longer". Too many of us eat poorly, move minimally and as a result live less. If that isn't bad enough, we pass this on to our children and as a result we are seeing rising rates of obesity and adult onset diabetes in elementary school children.

The take home message is: get out, get moving and eat more real food (not fast food or processed food). I know its winter time and going outside can be tough but we all need to move (especially our children) so be creative - if there's snow make a snow man or snow angles, race around the house (as long as its safe). Get moving and stay moving.

For more information on this campaign:
It has some nice tools for better diet.

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